In 1923, seven men who had made it to the top of the financial success pyramid met together at the Edgewater Hotel in Chicago. Collectively, they controlled more wealth than the entire Untied States Treasury, and for years the media had held them up as examples of success.
Who were they? Charles Schwab, president of the world’s largest steel company; Arthur Cutten, the greatest wheat speculator of his day; Richard Whitney, president of the New York Stock Exchange; Albert Fall, a member of the President’s Cabinet; Jesse Livermore, the greatest bear on Wall Street; Leon Fraser, president of the International Bank of Settlement; and Ivan Kruegger, the head of the world’s largest monopoly.
What happened to them? Schwab and Cutten both died broke; Whitney spent years of his life in Sing Sing penitentiary; Fall also spent years in prison, but was released so he could die at home; and the others- Livermore, Fraser, and Kruegger, committed suicide.
一九二三年,在美国芝加哥的海滨大饭店(Edgewater Beach Hotel)举行一次世界性重大的金融会议,出席的人员中有九位是当代执牛耳的财阀,也是成功的财经巨头。
第一位是世界最大钢铁公司董事长查理.雪伯(Charles Schwab)、
第二位是世界最大通用事业公司董事长撒母耳.印述(Samuel Insull)、
第三位是世界最大煤气公司董事长豪尔.贺布逊(Howard Hospson)、
第四位是世界最大粮食公司董事长阿萨.卡顿(Arthur Cutten)、
第五位是纽约证券交易所董事长理察.威尼(Richard Whitney)、
第六位是美国阁员之一的阿尔巴.佛耳(Albert Fall)、
第七位是世界最大独营公司总经理利恩.费拉沙(Leon Fraser)、
第八位是纽约华尔街大财阀之一的杰西.利伐摩(Jesse Livermore)、
第九位是国际银行总经理利恩.库鲁根(Leon Kruegen)。
第一位-查理.雪伯(Charles Schwab):家财破产,负债累累,抑郁而死。
第二位-撒母耳.印述(Samuel Insull):逃避审判,流亡国外,犯案而死。
第三位-豪尔.贺布逊(Howard Hospson):患了神经病,被关在疯人病院中。
第四位-阿萨.卡顿(Arthur Cutten):家财破产,贫死海外。
第五位-理察.威尼(Richard Whitney):从猩猩监狱释放,死于家中
第六位-阿尔巴.佛耳(Albert Fall):从监狱释放,死于家中。
第七位-利恩.费拉沙(Leon Fraser):自杀身亡。
第八位-杰西.利伐摩(Jesse Livermore):自杀身亡。
第九位-利恩.库鲁根(Leon Kruegen):自杀身亡。
传奇人物Jesse Livermore说得好: 「华尔街永不改变,钱袋会变,投机者会变,股票会变,但华尔街永不改变,因为人性永不改变。」 |