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世界最伟大的投机者--Jesse Livermore的照片全集

发表于 2007-7-29 14:57:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Livermore’s mansion "Evermore" at King’s Point Long Island. The dining room table sat 46 for dinner. There was a barbershop in the basement with a live-in barber. His 300-foot yacht was anchored in the back yard. The mansion was the scene of many grand parties—finally auctioned off—June 27th, 1933.Livermore在黄金地带长岛的官邸"Evermore",可以同时容纳46人就

Jesse Livermore Jr., March 23, 1975, as he is led from his home to police car after shooting his dog, attempting to kill his wife Patricia, and sticking his gun in the chest of a NYPD police officer and pulling the trigger.
1975年3月23日,Jesse Livermore Jr. 从自家被押进警车。在这之

Jesse Livermore "The Boy Plunger" of Wall Street and his wife of twenty months set sail to Europe on the S.S. Rex after his 1934 bankruptcy. Before boarding Livermore said, "I hope to relieve my mind of some of my troubles."
被称为华尔街“少年作手”的的Jesse Livermore在1934年破产后,

Jesse Livermore, the legendary "Boy Plunger" and "Great Bear of Wall Street" in his office in 1929 just after the "Crash"--when he went short the market and made over 100 million dollars. His powers were at their highest. His life slid downhill from here--ten years later he would kill himself.

Jesse Livermore, third wife Harriet, and his son Paul—as they arrive in New York on December 8, 1935, after leaving the bedside of Jesse Jr., who had just been shot by his mother
1935年12月8日,Jesse Livermore与他的第三任妻子Harriet和儿子
Paul.,到达纽约。他们刚离开被他母亲开枪打伤的Jesse Jr.。

Jesse Livermore loved beautiful women. This caused him much grief during his life. He is pictured here with his third wife Harriet during a party for eighty people in their ten room apartment on Park Avenue.
Jesse Livermore喜欢漂亮女人,这导致了他一生中的多次不幸。这

Paul Livermore, Dorothy Livermore, and Jesse Junior in front of the Livermore mansion. Both sons were very handsome. Jesse Jr., started having sex with his mother’s friends—without her knowledge—when he was fourteen—the same age he started drinking.
Paul Livermore,Dorothy Livermore,和Jesse Junior站在Livermore的
官邸前。他的两个儿子都很帅。Jesse Jr.14岁就开始饮酒,并且他的

Livermore was subject to deep black depressions all his adult life, during success or failure. This photo was taken on November 26, 1940, two days before "The Great Bear" of Wall Street took his own life.

After shooting her son, Dorothy Livermore stands in a Santa Barbara, California courtroom waiting to be arraigned. She is before Judge Ernest Wagner on a complaint of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill.
由于抢击自己的儿子,Dorothy Livermore正在加利福尼亚Santa
Barbara法庭等待传讯。她面临着Emest Wagner法官的多项诉讼,包

Under Sheriff Jack Ross, District Attorney Percy Heckendorf and Sheriff James Ross are looking at the spot they believe Jesse Livermore Jr. was shot by his mother in her home in Montecito California. He was actually shot on the staircase.
加利福尼亚 Montecito,在Jack Ross治安官的带领下, Percy
Hechendorf检查官和James Ross治安官正在搜索Jesse Livermore
Jr.母亲的房屋,他们确信此处是Jesse Livermore Jr.遭到他母亲枪击

Jesse Livermore, Dorothy Livermore and friends at their vacation home in Lake Placid. Livermore hunted and played golf here.
Jesse Livermore,Dorothy Livermore,和朋友们。这张照片拍于他们
在Lake Placid的度假别墅。Livermore经常在这里打猎和玩高尔夫。

The Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach on fire March 18th, 1925. Dorothy Livermore sent the bell boys back to the apartment to save her 24 pieces of Louis Vuitton luggage from the flames—and the bell boys did it.
Livermore派门童返回公寓去抢救出她的24个Louis Vuitton皮箱,这个

Bradley’s Palm Beach "Beach Club"—the longest-running illegal gambling casino in America’s history. Ed Bradley, the "greatest gambler" in America, and Jesse Livermore, the "greatest stock speculator" in America, were fast friends
伟大的股票投机客,Ed Brakley和Jesse Livermore有着牢固的友谊。

Jesse Livermore and Ed Kelley, his friend, on Livermore’s yacht after a day’s fishing in the launch. Livermore had a passion for fishing. Being on the water gave him a chance to think. He often came up with "great market ideas" on the ocean.
Jesse Livermore和他的朋友Ed Kelley站在停泊的Livermore的游艇

Dorothy Livermore and a friend in a white wicker Pedi-cab on the grounds of the Breakers Hotel. This was a common means of transportation at the "Breakers" in the twenties and thirties.
坐在白色柳条三轮车上的Dorothy Livermore和友人,这是在Breakers

This portrait of Dorothy Livermore, Ziegfield showgirl, was commissioned by her husband Jesse before she was twenty. The jewelry is all real. The pearls, valued at $80,000, were stolen during the Boston Billy home invasion robbery of their mansion. She built a brewery in the basement during prohibition and personally delivered the beer in her Rolls convertible to their rich and famous friends.
Dorthy Livermore的肖像,她曾是Ziegfield的展场女郎,在20岁之前
美元的珍珠在Boston Billy家族抢走他们的豪宅的时候被偷走。美国禁
The beautiful Ann Livermore, Paul’s wife—she is a singer who appeared with the big bands, and such singers as Tony Bennett and Frank Sinatra. She still sings in her home town—Las Vegas.
漂亮的Ann Livermore,她是Paul的妻子,曾是一个歌手,与Tony
Bennett和Frank Sinatra都在同一个演唱团体。她一直在她的家乡Las
Publicity photo of the handsome Paul Livermore, Jesse’s youngest son. He appeared in a number of movies and various television series before moving to Hawaii.
这是Jesse的小儿子---英俊的Paul Livermore的公开照片。在移居夏威
Patricia and Jesse Livermore Jr.—during their happy times on the way to Hawaii. Jesse Jr. would later fall into deep alcoholism and physically abuse Patricia until he finally tried to kill her
Patricia和Jesse Livermore Jr.,这张拍摄于他们去夏威夷的欢快路
上。Jesse Jr.很快陷入深度酒精中毒,并对Patricia进行肉体虐待,
Jesse Livermore was a handsome and powerful man who cherished his secrecy and his private life. He moved in silence and mystery and was like catnip to women.
Jesse Livermore是一个英俊潇洒,孔武有力的男人,他遮掩着自己
The original Anita Venetian with a 40-foot launch tied along side. Livermore loved yachting. In all there were 3 Anita Venetians—the last one was 300-foot long.
这是停泊的Anita Venetian号首舰,长达40英尺。Livermore曾经喜欢
游艇,他有三艘Anita Venetians号游艇,最后的一艘长达300英尺。
Jesse Livermore and his wife Harriet on November 27, 1940, at the Stork Club, Livermore’s favorite night club. Looking distant, pale and wan, he would commit suicide the next day.
1940年11月27日,Jesse Livermore和他的妻子在他喜欢的夜总会
发表于 2007-7-29 15:32:58 | 显示全部楼层
Everybody talk about Jesse Livermore
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发表于 2007-7-29 19:24:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-7-29 23:45:58 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-7-30 00:19:18 | 显示全部楼层
前人种树 后人乘凉 各位坛友的水准 已不在他之下
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发表于 2007-7-30 10:21:43 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 lyf330 于 2007-7-30 10:48 编辑 ]


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发表于 2007-7-30 15:40:22 | 显示全部楼层

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