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[单曲分享] You Are Everything

发表于 2007-6-20 22:15:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1984年二十岁的Vanessa Williams 凭藉着青春美貌,荣登选美会的冠军宝座,成为第一位黑人当选美国小姐,锋头正健,后由于被揭发曾替成人杂志拍裸照而取消桂冠,并受到媒介的指责,舆论压力。 Vanessa并没有因此一蹶不振,她凭着漂亮的面孔,绝妙的身材,和一副极具实力的好歌喉开始向乐坛进军。 1988年,Vanessa推出第一张个人专辑《The Right Stuff》,在美国取得不俗成绩。专辑中有四首单曲闯入Billboard Top 10,Vanessa还因此获得葛莱美最佳新人奖提名。

You Are Everything----Vanessa Williams

Today I saw somebody
Who looked just like you
He walked like you do
I thought it was you
As he turned the corner
I called out your name
I felt so ashamed
When it wasn't you
Wasn't you

You are everything
And everything is you
Oh, you are everything
And everything is you
you are everything
And everything is you

How can I forget
When each face that I see
Brings back memories
Of being with you
I just can't go on
Living life as I do
Comparing each girl with you
Knowing they just won't do
They're not you

you are everything
And everything is you
Oh, you are everything
And everything is you
You are everything
And everything is you


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