Source: Time Magazine & Stock Charts (edited by Short Side of Long)
While the Time Magazine is busy talking US manufacturing boom today, their front cover in October 2008 was implying Great Depression 2.0. However, the stock market already crashed and discounted majority of the bad news. Sure, further downside was experienced for awhile, but at 800 points S&P was already a bargain. Contrarians, including Warren Buffet, bought knowing that the new recovery will soon be underway. Great timing by "Time" Magazine.
Source: Time Magazine & Calculated Risk (edited by Short Side of Long)
Home Sweet Home in June 2006? Come on guys... seriously. Right at the generational grand top of the US housing prices. It should be plain and simple to understand that you have to do the opposite of what Time Magazine cover is implying. Nothing else needs to be said here!
Source: Time Magazine & Stock Charts (edited by Short Side of Long)
Let us go back to the beginning of the millennium (I love saying that). Forget the old economy, mining, shipping and agriculture. Forget Crude Oil at $10 per barrel, Soybeans at $4.30 and Gold at $280 per ounce. Time Magazine does not talk value for the next 10 years. They were a lot more interested in discussing the hot topic of the day: technology. In June 2000, Time Magazine cover almost perfectly timed the greatest stock market bubble and the following crash since the 1929. Of course, you had to do the opposite of what Time Magazine cover was implying.
Source: Time Magazine & Stock Charts (edited by Short Side of Long)
I actually wasn't even born in March 1982. Reading the modern history books, it was a time of Kondratiev Summer ending, with extreme inflation and amazingly high interest rates. The chart above shows how the 10 Year Treasury Note traded at the astonishingly high levels of 15% per annum. The fact of the matter is that interest rates have been rising since 1949, but it took Time Magazine until 1982 to publish the infamous cover of the legendary Fed Chairman Mr Volcker with the tile "Interest Rate Anguish". Funnily enough, in perfect manner, once again Time Magazine almost perfectly timed the greatest bond yield peak. Of course, you had to do the opposite of what Time Magazine cover was implying.
You get the drift! |