中国的文字博大精深啊,只要想炒作,啥新名词都能创造出来忽悠人,神马刚需啊以后估计还有柔需啊哈哈。21世 ...
雪域飞鹰 发表于 2013-1-10 14:27
If quantity demanded is completely unaffected by a price change, then
Ed=0, perfectly inelastic demand
You would say that demand is perfectly inelastic at that price, to reflect the fact that quantity demanded is completely unresponsive to a change in price. On a graph with price on the y-axis, perfectly inelastic demand appears as a vertical demand curve. Its slope is negative infinity, which leads to Ed = 0.
Looking at the graph above, you can see that a 5 percent increase in price causes no change in quantity demanded. Therefore, Ed = 0 and demand is perfectly inelastic.
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