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发表于 2011-4-2 13:47:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




报导指出,此举对美联储(Fed)有点讽刺,因为保守派人士忧心美联储向市场注入数以万亿美元,已经永久性地令美元价值缩水。犹他州是美国保守派茶党的大本营之一,在反对美联储主席伯南克(Ben Bernanke)方面,也居于领导地位。

保守游说团体美国原则项目(American Principles Project)政策总监Jeff Bell表示,“他们一直都是灾星。自从本伯南克入主美联储以来,一直致力于抵御通缩,并将利率压低到极限水平。”

保守派智库美国企业研究所(American Enterprise Institute)的前美联储官员Vincent Reinhart表示,“目前美联储面临着很大的公愤,政客们在努力疏导这种愤怒,不过他们不是始终能做到前后一致。”




带头促成犹他州州议会通过这项新法的律师Larry Hilton也表示,并不认为大家会真的用金银币去一般商店买东西。但他称,去除交换这些硬币时的税负,将让这些硬币等同于纸币,则银行就可能创设以金银币为担保的账户。
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-2 14:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
Utah: Forget dollars. How about gold?


A set of "Golden Eagle" coins produced by the United States Mint.

By Charles Riley, staff reporter March 29, 2011: 4:41 PM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Gather 'round, gold standard enthusiasts.

There is a new law in the state of Utah that might be of interest.

The Beehive State has a new measure on the books that eliminates state taxes on the exchange of gold and silver coins and directs the legislature to study an "alternative form of legal tender."

The law, signed by Gov. Gary Herbert last week, also recognizes gold and silver coins issued by the federal government as legal tender in the state.

Of course, they already are. But people use them as investments, not pocket change.

The big legal change in Utah is that the state tax code now treats gold and silver coins -- issued by the U.S. Mint -- as currency rather than an asset. That means no capital gains or other state taxes will be levied when the coins are exchanged.

Federal taxes still apply.

The law has limited applications. As currency, the gold and silver coins, which are usually purchased by individuals as investments, are still only worth their face value in the eyes of the state.

So even if the actual precious metal in your $50 coin has a market value of $1,400, it still only has $50 dollars worth of purchasing power.

According to a person close to Herbert, the governor signed the bill because it eliminates capital gains taxes on a popular investment. The other stuff, not so much.

"If somebody is stupid enough that they want to buy a Snickers bar at 7-Eleven with a gold coin worth thousands of dollars, they will be able to do that," the source said.

The new law is, of course, a shot at the Federal Reserve. And Utah isn't alone. A few other states are considering similar bills.

Conservatives fret that the central bank has permanently damaged the value of the dollar by pumping trillions into the economy, drawing down the greenback's buying power.

IMF calls for dollar alternative

And Utah -- where the Tea Party has a powerful presence -- is leading the charge against Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke.

Larry Hilton, an attorney who led the push to get the bill passed, doesn't envision people using the coins at, for instance, a 7-Eleven.

But he said that by eliminating taxes on the exchange of the coins, they would be on the same playing field as paper currency. And, he said, banks might step in and create accounts backed by gold and silver coins.

As for the committee that will study an "alternative" currency for the state, the source close to the governor threw cold water on that one.

"There would be be some major constitutional issues with that," he said.


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发表于 2011-4-3 13:35:09 | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 2011-4-3 13:36:26 | 显示全部楼层

那就是,各行各业,都不在使用 美元。
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