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[转贴] Sir John Templeton终年95岁

发表于 2008-7-9 09:26:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sir John Templeton

Last Updated: 1:38AM BST 09/07/2008
Sir John Templeton, who has died aged 95, was a legend in the world of fund management and invested much of his multi-million pound fortune in promoting spiritual and religious progress.

Templeton boasted one of the longest and most successful track records on Wall Street. From its foundation in 1954, his Templeton Growth Fund grew at an astonishing rate of nearly 16 per cent a year until Templeton’s retirement in 1992, making it the top performing growth fund in the second half of the 20th century.

A $100,000 stake invested in 1954 would, with distributions reinvested, would have grown to $55 million in 1999.

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The Templeton formula was simple in theory, though not easily achieved in practice.

He looked for bargains — shares selling well below their asset values due to temporary circumstances — and would usually hold on to them for five years or more until they reached what he considered to be their true worth.

It was an approach that required rigorous research and determination not to be swayed by the fashions of the moment.

While other American tycoons made their fortunes buying American stocks, Templeton looked at the opportunities offered by emerging markets around the world.

He was one of the first to invest in post-war Japan, and one of the first to sell Japanese stocks in the mid-1980s before the bear market set in.

Templeton once described his speculative activities as a “ministry”, and saw the workings of the money market as part of God’s plan for His creation.

His Bible-belt religiosity appealed to small investors in middle America, and they entrusted him with their savings.

He also developed a cult following among other fund managers; even after his retirement, his off-the-cuff observations about stockmarket trends could move the market.

Templeton went on to found other successful investment funds such as Templeton World Fund. But in 1992 he sold the Templeton Funds to the Franklin Group for $440 million, a move which freed him to devote his time to the work he considered really important — the promotion of religion and spirituality.

Templeton believed in the possibility of religious as well as scientific advance, and argued that theologians should match the achievements of science with spiritual research, harnessing the tools of science to make “progress”.

From the 1970s onwards he devoted increasing amounts of his time and money to improving the world’s “spiritual wealth”.

In 1973 he inaugurated the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion, an annual award to remedy the Nobel Foundation’s omission of religion from its prizes.

A brilliant publicist, Templeton guaranteed that his prize would always be worth more than the Nobel, and arranged for the Duke of Edinburgh to present the award at Buckingham Palace, thus ensuring full press coverage.

From 1973, when it stood at £70,000, the prize money has risen to £820,000, making the Templeton Prize one of the world’s largest annual monetary awards.

Winners over the years have included Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Alexander Solzhenitzyn, the Reverend Dr Billy Graham, and Charles Colson, the Watergate-burglar-turned-minister. Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus and Jews also qualified to win the prize.

But this was only a drop in the ocean of Templeton’s philanthropy. He endowed university courses in spirituality and science, funded medical schools to run classes on healing and spirituality, and rewarded universities and individuals that upheld “traditional educational values”, schools that promoted “character development” and colleges that taught market economics.

There were also Templeton Prizes for “Inspiring Movies and TV” and for “Exemplary Papers in Humility Theology”.

Templeton also funded one-off projects looking into such questions as the relationship between prayer and longevity and how meditation alters brain activity.

An Anglophile from his student days at Oxford, Templeton later took British citizenship, and during the 1980s, appalled at the drop in the level of churchgoing, he established four annual prizes in religion specifically for the British people.

On a more secular level, in 1985 he gave more than £4 million to the Oxford Centre for Management Studies to help raise professional standards in British management.

It was one of the biggest endowments ever made to a British educational establishment at that time, and the centre was subsequently incorporated into the university as Templeton College.

The John Templeton Foundation, established in 1987, currently has an endowment of some $1.5 billion and disburses some $70 million in grants annually, largesse which illustrated the lessons of Templeton’s favourite parable — that of the Talents: “The more we give away, the more we have left” was his paraphrase.

John Marks Templeton was born on November 29 1912 at Winchester, Tennessee, the son of a small town lawyer and cotton merchant. Brought up strictly as a Presbyterian, aged 15 he became superintendent of his local Sunday school.

A bright boy, Templeton won a place at Yale to read Economics; but during his second year his father lost most of his money and could no longer afford to pay the fees.

Determined to continue his studies somehow, John Templeton raised money by winning prizes and scholarships, and by founding a student newspaper in which he sold advertising space.

By the end of his course he was the top scholar at Yale and had won a Rhodes Scholarship to study Law at Balliol College, Oxford.

The Depression was still casting its pall when Templeton graduated from Oxford in 1937 and returned to America.

He got a job on Wall Street with a company that would become part of Merrill Lynch, but before long he was spotted by a Texas oil magnate who appointed him his finance director.

At the same time Templeton began dabbling on the stock market on his own account. In 1939, calculating that war would kick America out of depression, he ordered his stockbroker to buy $100 worth of all the stocks selling at under $1 a share, including the bankrupt ones. Within four years his $10,000 investment had become $40,000.

In 1940 he took over a company managing $2 million a year. By the time he sold it in 1967 it was managing $400 million.

During the 1950s and 1960s, working 80 hours a week, he built up a number of successful investment funds. In 1963 he moved from New York to Nassau, in the Bahamas, where he took British citizenship and continued to work 60-hour weeks until he was well into his eighties.

Templeton’s habit was to start his mutual fund’s annual meetings with a prayer. He believed that if a business was not ethical “it will fail, perhaps not right away, but eventually”.

He wrote or edited some 10 books about religion and spirituality.In Worldwide Laws of Life (1998) he set out 200 spiritual and ethical principles for leading a “sublime life”. Drawing on sources ranging from Thomist canon law to modern “how to be successful” manuals, he included such aphorisms as “Every ending is a new beginning” and “What the mind can conceive, it may achieve”.

Readers who could suggest a new law for subsequent editions were offered $1,000; those willing to teach a course about Worldwide Laws would qualify for $10,000.

A lean spare figure, always immaculately dressed and with perfect southern manners, Templeton radiated urbane unflappability and it sometimes seemed that nothing could dent his irrepressible optimism. Yet he had known tragedy.

In 1950 his first wife, Judith, whom he had married in 1937, died in a cycling accident, leaving him to bring up their three young children. He remained a widower for eight years.

Then, one day, one of his sons was invited to tea with a playmate whose mother, Irene Butler, had recently been widowed. Two years later, in 1958, they married. Irene died in 1993.

John Templeton was knighted in 1987 for services to charity.

He is survived by two sons of his first marriage; his daughter predeceased him.
发表于 2008-7-9 09:48:35 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-7-9 09:55:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-9 10:24:21 | 显示全部楼层

约翰‧邓普顿(John Templeton) 全球投资之父 、史上最成功的基金经理


  约翰·邓普顿出生于田纳西州,家境贫寒。但凭借优异的成绩,他依靠奖学金完成在耶鲁大学的学业,并在1934年毕业是取得耶鲁大学经济学一等学位。之后,他在牛津大学继续深造,获得罗德斯奖学金,并在1936年取得法学硕士学位。重返美国后,他在纽约的Fenner & Beane工作,也就是如今美林证券公司的前身之一。
  邓普顿在1937年,也就是大萧条最低迷的时候成立了自己的公司 - Templeton, Dobbrow & Vance。公司取得了相当大的成功,资产规模也迅速增长到了$3亿,旗下拥有8支共同基金。1968年,公司更名为Templeton Damroth并被转售。同年,邓普顿在巴哈马的拿骚,再次建立了自己的邓普顿成长基金。


  作为逆向价值投资者,邓普顿相信,完全被忽视的股票是最让人心动的便宜货------尤其是那些投资者们都尚未研究的股票。就这点而言,他相比其他投资者的优势是,他居住在巴哈马的Lyford Cay,那里是全世界成功商务人士的俱乐部。
  邓普顿发现,Lyford Cay的氛围更加轻松惬意,人们更容易交流彼此的想法、心得。相形之下,华尔街的气氛就非常功利,也限制了人们的沟通。就象传奇投资者菲利普·费雪一样,邓普顿也发现了交际的价值,他也通过这个方法来获取全球相关投资领域的信息。




  1、信仰有助投资:一个有信仰的人,思维会更加清晰和敏锐,犯错的机会因而减低。要冷静和意志坚定,能够做到不受市场环境所影响。 谦虚好学是成功法宝:那些好像对什么问题都知道的人,其实真正要回答的问题都不知道。投资中,狂妄和傲慢所带来的是灾难,也是失望,聪明的投资者应该知道,成功是不断探索的过程。

       *An attitude of gratitude creates blessings.. Help yourself by helping others. You have the most powerful weapons on earth.. love and prayer.
  *The main focus in my life now is to open people's minds so no one will be so conceited that they think they have the total truth. They should be eager to learn, to listen, to research and not to confine, to hurt, to kill, those who disagree with them.
  * If you buy all the stocks selling at or below two times earnings, you will lose money on half of them because instead of making profits they will actually lose money, but you will only lose a dollar or so a share at most. Then others will be mediocre performers. But the remaining big winners will go up and produce fabulous results and also ensure a good overall result.
  * Before this century is over, the Dow Jones Industrial Average will probably be over one million versus around 10,000 now. So for the long-term, the outlook is tremendously bullish if you buy stocks blindly to keep for a century.
  * How about no income tax at all on people over 65? People would continue working, remain healthier, not be an economic and social drain on society. Then the elderly would also have more disposable income to help charitable activities.
  * Buying when others have despaired, and selling when they are full of hope, takes fortitude. 这句话最有名,也是最为欣赏的一句话。


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发表于 2008-7-9 10:26:46 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-9 12:49:20 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-9 13:18:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-9 13:51:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-9 14:36:04 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-9 15:13:50 | 显示全部楼层
伟大的导师啊,真是没有想到,Templeton 的精神会永远在我们心中.
Templeton大师 的一些生平资料:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Templeton
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发表于 2008-7-9 16:15:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-9 23:04:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-10 06:42:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-14 15:20:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-14 17:26:48 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-14 18:10:51 | 显示全部楼层
钱永远赚不完 重要的是理念
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发表于 2008-7-16 09:47:13 | 显示全部楼层
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