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发表于 2012-5-31 13:26:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Daily chartCrunch time

May 30th 2012, 15:20 by The Economist online

Current credit conditions bode ill for the euro area
THE euro crisis drags on and on. Spanish yields on ten-year debt hit 6.6% on May 30th, just ten basis points lower than last November's nadir, as the costs of sorting out Spain's banks sink in. With ten-year US Treasuries now at a 60-year low, investors are heading across the Atlantic for the perceived safety of the world's second-largest debt market. According to The Economist's credit-crunch index, credit is now tighter in the euro area than it was at the height of the financial crisis (see top-left chart). This is having a detrimental effect on the real economy, as demonstrated in the following three charts. When the index was last at a similar level during 2008-09, economic output tanked, unemployment shot up and stockmarkets plummeted. Unless policymakers find a lasting and credible solution soon, it seems likely that the same will happen again.
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