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The cycle turns

发表于 2012-3-26 09:24:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The developed world may have seen the low in bond yields

Mar 24th 2012 | from the print edition

EQUITIES may be enjoying a bull run but the government-bond market has turned sour. Having bottomed at 1.67% in September, the yield on the ten-year Treasury bond has risen to 2.38%, with the sell-off accelerating in the past two weeks.
股票市场最近似乎很牛掰 ,相比之下政府债券市场就悲催一点了。十年期国库券的收益率在九月份跌到了1.67%的低谷,现在回升到2.38%。在过去的两个礼拜里,国库券被加速地抛售。

A rise in yields from what were very low levels, in historical terms, is not that surprising. The economic data have been better than expected since the start of the year, particularly in America, calming fears of a global recession. A torrent of central-bank loans to euro-zone banks and Greece’s debt-restructuring deal have made investors less nervous about a break-up of the euro, removing the appeal of Treasury bonds as a haven.

The big question is whether this is a turning-point in the bond market. The chart shows how the rise and fall of Treasury-bond yields over the past century-and-a-bit divides into very long phases. Chris Watling of Longview Economics points out there has been a remarkable regularity to the past three cycles—a 29-year downtrend, followed by a 32-year uptrend and another 31-year downtrend lasting to the present. This pattern is probably a coincidence but it does illustrate that bond-market cycles are rather longer than those in the equity market. Mr Watling points out that the early stages of bond cycles (1920-29, 1949-68 and 1982-2000) have been associated with equity bull markets while the latter stages (1929-49, 1968-82 and 2000 to date) have been associated with bear phases.
不过,问题的重点在于,这已经是债券市场的转折点了吗?上图显示了美国国债收益率在过去一个世纪相当长的时段里收益率的涨跌起伏。Longview Economics(英国一家主要从事市场时机、经营专题、宏观经济及大宗商品研究的机构,译者注)的Chris Watling发现了一个明显突出的规律——在过去美国国债收益率出现了三个周期:一个29年的下行周期,接着是一个32年的上行周期,再然后是一个32年的下行周期,这个周期持续到现在。这些规律也许只是一个巧合,不过,却也显示出,债券市场的周期比股票市场的要长。Walting还指出,早期的债券市场周期(1920-29,1949-68以及1982-2000)和股票牛市相关,后期的周期(1929-49,1968-82以及2000至今)则与股票熊市相关。

The big bear markets in bonds were associated with higher inflation. There was a brief inflationary period associated with the first world war and a much longer burst of rising prices after the second world war which culminated in the 1970s. Some fear the inevitable response to the current crisis is that countries will attempt to inflate away their debt.

But there is not much sign of this in the consumer-price indices. Inflation is expected to average 2-2.5% this year in America, Britain and the euro zone. And bond investors do not seem to be too concerned about the near future, to judge by the breakeven inflation rates (the gap between the yield on conventional and inflation-linked bonds). These reached a nadir of just under 1.5% (for five-year bonds) in September and are now up to 2.1%; for ten-year bonds, there has been a move from 1.7% to 2.4%. But those rates are still consistent with central-bank inflation targets.

There is a problem, however, with using market numbers to divine the mood of private-sector investors: central banks have been intervening heavily in the bond markets at both ends of the yield curve. Charles Kindleberger, a financial historian, long ago established that credit creation was a key component of bubbles. You cannot always tell where the bubble will emerge but central banks have given a big hint this time by buying the asset directly.
不过,用市场数据来推断私人部门投资者的心情是有问题的:央行在强力干预债券市场收益曲线的两头。金融史学家Charles Kindleberger很久以前就曾预言说,信用创造是泡沫产生的一个主要原因。我们无法总是了解泡沫是从哪里冒出来的,不过这次答案很明显,央行直接购买了好多的资产。

The policy is designed to revive the economy but the effect on investors, many of which are forced by regulations to hold government bonds, has been dubbed “financial repression”. By keeping rates low at a time of massive fiscal deficits, central banks are also reducing the pressure on governments to get their finances in order. “When a central bank actively seeks to keep yields below inflation in order to generate negative real interest rates, by implication it is imposing negative real returns on investors,” says Hans Lorenzen of Citigroup. “In so doing, it is ensuring that the sovereign can borrow cheaply.”
这个政策的初衷是激活经济,不过那些被迫持有政府债券的投资者则戏称这个政策为“金融镇压”。央行通过在大规模财政赤字时期压低利率的政策,帮政府财政减压。花旗集团(Citigroup)的Hans Lorenzen说:“当央行积极地把收益率压低到通胀率以下以维持负的真实利率时,实际上就是把投资者的真实收益压低到负的水平。央行这样做,就是为了保证国家可以以低的成本借款。”

Another worry is how governments and central banks can return policy to a pre-crisis setting. In Europe attempts at fiscal austerity have been followed by deep recessions. Can central banks raise interest rates to normal levels of 3-4% without causing widespread bankruptcies? Can they withdraw liquidity support from commercial banks without causing a financial crisis? And can they offload their government-bond holdings without causing a very sharp rise in yields?

Given these risks, it is not difficult to construct a bearish scenario for bonds. Indeed, central banks were also holding short rates at very low levels at the last nadir for bond yields in the late 1940s (a moment when, as now, governments were trying to deal with accumulated debts).

But even if bond yields have touched the bottom for this long cycle, it is worth remembering that the period of low yields in the 1940s was quite protracted, lasting eight years or so. In the short term, if yields were to rise too far, to 3% or so, central banks could always step in with another round of quantitative easing. The great bear market in bonds may have begun but the decline will not necessarily be precipitous.

from the print edition | Finance and economics译者:徐文婕


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发表于 2012-3-26 16:57:23 | 显示全部楼层


  在过4年,美国的债务就是20万亿。美联储都买下来。市场就多了20万亿美元的 资金,及其衍生的最多可达百万亿美元的资金。那会是整样一番市场的景象。
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发表于 2012-3-27 08:43:02 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-27 09:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-27 11:54:48 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-27 14:01:59 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-27 14:27:12 | 显示全部楼层
美国国债 下跌,美国肯定会 比较紧张,并采取一定的反应。



市场的预期是 由于政府要在金融市场继续大量融资,所以 市场对 政府的融资预期是,股市升,商品升。

估计市场的主流的对冲 是卖出国债,买进黄金。和传统的 卖股买金。

要么注资;黄金、股市 涨到天上去。维持国债的稳定。

要么不注资,国债跌到0 .(这种情况会引发 金融系统的奔溃。 )

光头佬 看着办。
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发表于 2012-3-27 14:27:32 | 显示全部楼层
美国国债 下跌,美国肯定会 比较紧张,并采取一定的反应。



市场的预期是 由于政府要在金融市场继续大量融资,所以 市场对 政府的融资预期是,股市升,商品升。

估计市场的主流的对冲 是卖出国债,买进黄金。和传统的 卖股买金。

要么注资;黄金、股市 涨到天上去。维持国债的稳定。

要么不注资,国债跌到0 .(这种情况会引发 金融系统的奔溃。 )

光头佬 看着办。
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