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发表于 2012-1-11 10:35:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  查尔斯-佩森-科尔曼三世(Charles Payson Coleman Ⅲ)(下称“科尔曼”)是对冲基金行业教父级人物朱利安-罗伯森(Julian Robertson)的得意门生,他正在为“老虎”这一名号恢复昔日的荣光。
  科尔曼的血统十分接近于美国贵族社会,他是纽约最后一任荷兰籍总督彼得-斯图易文森特(Peter Stuyvesant)的后裔。
  科尔曼在纽约长岛的飞地格伦黑德(Glen Head)长大,成年后进入马萨诸塞州的迪尔菲尔德学院(Deerfield Academy)进修,随后象其父祖一样进入威廉姆斯学院(Williams College),并在这里学会了打长曲棍球。据彭博市场杂志2月刊报道,科尔曼毕业于1997年,随后进入老虎基金(Tiger Management LLC),在对冲基金行业的教父级人物朱利安-罗伯森(Julian Robertson)麾下担任科技行业分析师。
  科尔曼与老虎基金还有一层关系,他与罗伯森的儿子斯宾塞-罗伯森(Spencer Robertson)一起长大,后者定居于Locust Valley。
  在79岁的罗伯森于2000年关闭麾下基金以后不久,他把2500多万美元的客户资金交给科尔曼打理,但是科尔曼年仅25岁,这使其成为至少30名所谓“老虎幼崽”中的一员,也就是那些曾在老虎基金供职的基金经理。此外,市场上还有40多个所谓的“老虎种子”,也就是由罗伯森投资支持的基金。与其他6名基金经理和麾下基金一样,科尔曼和他管理下的老虎环球(Tiger Global LP)两者皆是。
  科尔曼很好地利用了这件礼物,他接手了罗伯森给他的份额,并建立起了一家管理着100亿美元资金的公司,部分来自于他对互联网公司上市以前进行的投资。目前,他持有社交网络巨头Facebook数量不明的股份,此外还持有《血战黑手党》(Mafia Wars)和农场游戏FarmVille的开发者Zynga(ZNGA)的股份。Zynga已经于去年12月15日IPO(首次公开招股)上市,筹集了10亿多美元的资金。
  在2011年前10个月时间里,科尔曼旗下资产总额为60亿美元的老虎环球基金的投资回报率为45%,这使其占据了彭博市场杂志排行榜上的头名位置,这个排行榜列出了管理资产额在10亿美元或以上的基金中表现最好的100家。科尔曼与Feroz Dewan共同管理这家基金,后者是毕业于普林斯顿大学的一名工程师和数学家。
  据一名熟知内情的消息人士透露,“老虎种子”基金的经理人们会定期碰头,就各种想法展开讨论。罗伯森也鼓励基金经理们通过老虎基金会(Tiger Foundation)分享财富,该基金会向慈善组织进行捐赠,为纽约市需要帮助的家庭施以援手。
  占据彭博市场杂志排行榜的头名位置意味着,现年36岁的科尔曼击败了皮特-布朗(Peter Brown)和罗伯特-默塞尔(Robert Mercer)等业内资深人士,这两人都曾是IBM(IBM)的语言识别专家,还曾担任文艺复兴科技公司(Renaissance Technologies LLC)的联席首席执行官,该公司旗下的文艺复兴法人股票基金(Renaissance Institutional Equities)在排行榜上位居次席。
  在去年前10个月中,文艺复兴法人股票基金的投资回报率为33.1%,这家总部位于纽约州East Setauket的公司以旗下定量基金Medallion Fund而闻名于世,目前这个定量基金几乎仅为其员工服务,过去20年时间里其年化投资回报率超过35%。
  文艺复兴法人股票基金的创始人吉姆-西蒙斯(Jim Simons)仍旧担任该基金的董事长,他以前曾是一名密码破解员,还曾担任纽约州立大学石溪分校数学系的系主任。在去年12月份,该大学宣布西蒙斯携其妻子及西蒙斯基金(Simons Foundation)向其捐赠了1.5亿美元,创下纽约州立大学历史上上规模最大的捐赠金额。
  雷-戴利奥(Ray Dalio)麾下的布里奇沃特投资公司(Bridgewater Associates)是全球最大的对冲基金公司,他运营下的Pure Alpha II基金在彭博市场杂志的排行榜上名列第三,其投资回报率为23.5%。彭博社数据显示,在排名前12的基金中,有3家是由戴利奥负责运营的,其中管理资产额达到530亿美元的Pure Alpha II基金是其中盈利能力最强的,在截至10月31日为止的10个月时间里为其管理者赚取了24.8亿美元。
  肯-格里芬(Ken Griffin)旗下城堡基金(Citadel)的投资回报率为17.7%,但其盈利能力则排名第二,为21亿美元。
  唐-布朗斯坦(Don Brownstein)管理下的Structured Servicing Holdings LP基金在彭博市场杂志2010年的排行榜上名列榜首,但在2011年其投资回报率为13.5%,排在第17位。布朗斯坦麾下公司Structured Portfolio Management LLC还有一家基金进入了排行榜,这家名为SPM Core的基金排在第13位,其投资回报率为15.7%。
  一些大型对冲基金在2011年中的表现令人大跌眼镜。截至10月31日为止的10个月中,在2007年中因做空抵押贷款债券而赚了数十亿美元的约翰-保尔森(John Paulson)旗下的旗舰基金Advantage Plus下滑了44%。
  其他一些业内巨头也都遭遇了翻船的命运,其中詹姆斯-迪南(James Dinan)麾下的约克投资公司(York Investment)下滑7%,里昂-库珀曼(Leon Cooperman)的Omega Overseas Partners下滑3%,威廉-温顿(William de Winton)的Lansdowne Global Financials大幅下滑17%。
  亚特兰大资产管理公司布拉德-艾尔弗德(Brad Alford)称,这一结果表明,对冲基金行业的黄金时代已经成为过去。艾尔弗德麾下的两家共同基金去年的表现超出对冲基金行业的平均值。
  老虎环球发言人卡洛琳-萨金特(Carolyn Sargent)称,科尔曼拒绝就此接受采访。
  另一个俄罗斯网络门户站点的运营商Mail.ru Group(61HE)也已经于2010年11月份在伦敦IPO上市,老虎环球在其IPO上市以前持有1080万股的该公司股份,并在其IPO交易中出售了大约一半股份。
  科尔曼是“老虎幼崽”中进入彭博市场杂志排行榜前25名的三人之一。菲利普-拉方特(Philippe Laffont)管理下的纽约基金Coatue Management LLC排名第十,其投资回报率为16.9%。拉方特曾在老虎基金中为罗伯森工作,此后在1999年开创了Coatue基金,这个基金同样是投资于科技公司。截至去年9月30日为止,苹果(APPL)、谷歌(GOOG)和高通(QCOM)都是其持股量最多的股票。
  总部位于纽约的老虎亚洲管理公司(Tiger Asia Management LLC)是由罗伯森的得意门生Bill Hwang运营的,这家基金在彭博市场杂志排行榜中名列第24,其回报率为8.6%。与科尔曼一样,他也曾为罗伯森工作,并从后者那里获得了种子资金。据熟知内情的消息人士称,Bill Hwang曾在2011年做空中国股票。2011年前10个月中,沪指下跌12%,2010年为下跌14%。
  老虎基金开枝散叶的趋势还在不断增长。资产管理公司JAT Capital Management LP的创始人约翰-泰勒(John Thaler)与老虎基金的“毕业生”克里斯-沙姆维(Chris Shumway)共事五年,从后者那里间接学习了罗伯森的投资方法。一名与该基金关系密切的消息人士称,截至去年9月底为止,JAT Capital Offshore Ltd在彭博市场杂志的排名中高居第三,其投资回报率为30%以上,但随后美国股市上扬,与泰勒的做空预期相反。到最后,JAT的投资回报率为12.7%,排名跌落至第19名。
  罗伯森以前的投资者称,他是一名精明的选股者,在做空股票时比大多数人都更加咄咄逼人。所谓“做空”(Short Selling),也就是高抛低补,即股票投资者当某种股票价格看跌时从经纪人手中借入该股票抛出,在发生实际交割前将卖出股票如数补进,交割时只结清差价的投机行为。若日后该股票价格果然下落时,再从更低的价格买进股票归还经纪人,从而赚取中间差价。
  北卡罗来纳州资产管理公司Morgan Creek Capital Managemen的首席执行官马克-尤斯科(Mark Yusko)称:“罗伯森一直都是那么努力向前冲。当做空的股票下跌时,他会向其施压;当做多的股票上涨时,他也会向其施压。”
  俄罗斯企业家、Mail.ru的创始人尤里-米尔纳(Yuri Milner)曾抢在老虎环球前面于2009年5月份买入了2亿美元的Facebook股票。米尔纳称,科尔曼是“一个很有眼力的家伙,我从老虎环球身上学到了很多东西”。
  老虎环球对私人部门进行的投资很多都位于巴西、中国和印度市场上,其中很多都类似于该基金在美国市场上的投资范畴,也就是社交网络、购物和类似于Groupon(GRPN)的团购网站。截至去年12月中旬为止,老虎环球持有巴西团购网站Peixe Urbano、印度在线旅游网站MakeMyTrip以及巴西视频游戏门户网站Vostu的股份。
发表于 2012-1-11 22:26:42 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/20 ... on-like-return.html

Charles Payson Coleman III, known as Chase, is as close as one gets to American aristocracy.

A descendent of Peter Stuyvesant, the last Dutch governor of New York, Coleman was raised in Glen Head, a posh enclave on New York’s Long Island. He went to Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts and then, like his father and grandfather, attended Williams College, where he played lacrosse. He graduated in 1997 and went to work as a technology analyst for Julian Robertson, a godfather of the hedge-fund industry, at Tiger Management LLC, Bloomberg Markets reports in its February issue.

Coleman had a connection at Tiger. He had grown up with Robertson’s son, Spencer, who lived in nearby Locust Valley.

Soon after Robertson, 79, closed his fund in 2000, he handed his son’s former playmate more than $25 million to manage. Coleman was 25 at the time. That made him one of at least 30 so-called Tiger cubs -- fund managers who are Tiger Management alumni. There are another 40-odd so-called Tiger seeds -- funds backed by Robertson dollars.

Coleman and his Tiger Global LP, along with a half dozen others, are both.

Chase Coleman has been handed a lot in his life, and he’s made good with the gifts. He took his Robertson stake and built a $10 billion firm, partly by investing in Internet companies before they sold shares to the public. These days, he owns, among other things, a stake of undisclosed size in social networking phenomenon Facebook Inc. and another in Zynga Inc. (ZNGA), creator of the Mafia Wars and FarmVille online games.

Zynga raised more than $1 billion in a Dec. 15 initial public offering.

45 Percent
Coleman’s flagship $6 billion Tiger Global fund returned 45 percent in the first 10 months of 2011, putting it at the top of the Bloomberg Markets list of the 100 best-performing hedge funds managing $1 billion or more. He manages the fund with Feroz Dewan, a Princeton University-educated engineer and mathematician.

“I have known Chase since he was a small boy,” Robertson wrote in a statement. “He’s a great competitor and an immensely gifted portfolio manager. I would always bet on Chase.”

Joining the Tiger team takes more than good breeding and connections. Robertson used to give prospective hires a written test to gauge their intelligence, competitiveness and ability to work on a team. Tiger Management, which still exists to invest money for Robertson’s family and a few outsiders, uses a similar exam to find managers to seed, a person familiar with the test says.

Robertson Acolytes
Tiger cubs learned at the right hand of Robertson, who vetted almost every idea before it became a trade, the person says. Robertson prized on-site research and once sent a commodity analyst to Brazil to estimate the number of coffee bushes under cultivation in the eastern state of Bahia before betting that the commodity’s price would decline.

Most of the Tiger seeds are housed in Tiger Management’s offices on the 47th and 48th floors of 101 Park Ave. in midtown Manhattan. Robertson is the landlord, charging each fund rent. He also takes an ownership stake, which entitles him to a cut of the hefty fees that hedge-fund managers charge investors.

Managers of the seed funds meet periodically to discuss ideas, says a person familiar with the meetings. Robertson also encourages managers to share their wealth through the Tiger Foundation, which gives money to organizations helping needy families in New York.

Beat Masters
In topping the Bloomberg Markets ranking, Coleman, 36, beat such veterans as Peter Brown and Robert Mercer, two former International Business Machines Corp. language recognition specialists who are co-chief executive officers of Renaissance Technologies LLC. Renaissance Institutional Equities is No. 2 among large funds.

The $7 billion fund returned 33.1 percent for the 10 months. The East Setauket, New York-based firm is famed for its quantitative Medallion Fund, now run almost exclusively for employees, which returned more than 35 percent annualized over a 20-year span.

Renaissance founder Jim Simons, who is a former code breaker and head of Stony Brook University’s math department, remains chairman of the firm. In December, the school announced that Simons, together with his wife and the Simons Foundation, had given $150 million to the school, the largest donation in the history of the State University of New York, of which Stony Brook is a part.

Dalio Most Profitable
Bridgewater Associates’ Ray Dalio, who runs the largest hedge fund firm, had the No. 3 fund, Pure Alpha II, which ran up a 23.5 percent gain. Dalio has three funds in the top 12, and his $53 billion Pure Alpha II fund is also the most profitable, earning $2.48 billion for its managers in 2011 through Oct. 31, according to Bloomberg data.

Ken Griffin’s Citadel fund, with a 17.7 percent return, was the second most profitable, at $2.1 billion.

Last year’s No. 1 fund, Don Brownstein’s Structured Servicing Holdings LP, rose 13.5 percent and is ranked No. 17, after gaining 51 percent in 2010. His firm, Structured Portfolio Management LLC, had a second fund in the large-fund list, SPM Core, at No. 13, with a 15.7 percent return, plus two funds in the top 20 of the Bloomberg Markets ranking of the top 50 mid- size funds.

Coleman, Brownstein and Dalio earned their double-digit returns during a generally abysmal year for the hedge-fund industry. Just 21 of the top 100 funds scored returns of more than 10 percent in 2011.

Average Fund Drops
Hedge-fund managers, among the highest-paid workers on Wall Street, saw their funds fall an average of 2.8 percent through Oct. 31, according to Bloomberg data. A Bloomberg index of U.S. Treasury notes and bonds returned 8.5 percent, besting all but the top 26 hedge funds in the Bloomberg Markets ranking.

Even the anemic Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, which returned 1.3 percent, including dividends, beat the average hedge fund.

Some big names flamed out in 2011. John Paulson, who made billions betting against mortgage securities in 2007, lost 44 percent through October in his flagship Advantage Plus fund.

Other titans that tripped: James Dinan’s York Investment Ltd., down 7 percent; Leon Cooperman’s Omega Overseas Partners, off 3 percent; and London-based William de Winton’s Lansdowne Global Financials fund, which plunged 17 percent.

The results show that the golden age for hedge funds is over, says Brad Alford, head of Alpha Capital Management in Atlanta, whose two mutual funds have outperformed the average hedge fund return this year.

“In difficult markets, investors expect that hedge funds will protect their capital,” Alford says. “Now we see that they aren’t smarter than anyone else.”

Going Private
Coleman’s Tiger Global bucked the gloomy trend partly by behaving as much like a venture capital fund as a hedge fund. Coleman uses a group of private-equity funds to buy into private companies, according to filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The hedge fund gets some of the investments.

Coleman declined to be interviewed for this story, says Carolyn Sargent, a Tiger spokeswoman.

As of December, Tiger Global owned 4.8 million shares -- both Class A and Class B -- of LinkedIn Corp (LNKD)., the professional- networking site that sold shares in May. Tiger got at least 930,000 of those shares for $21.50 in mid-2010, a year before the company went public, according to a person familiar with the purchase.

Shares of Mountain View, California-based LinkedIn traded at $63.55 on Jan. 9.

Russian Bets
Coleman also bought pre-IPO shares of Yandex NV (YNDX), Russia’s most popular search engine, which did a $1.3 billion IPO in May. Tiger Global owned 54.1 million of its New York-listed shares, or 38 percent of the Netherlands-based company, as of Sept. 30, a stake it acquired before the IPO.

Mail.ru Group (61HE) Ltd., another Russian Web portal, went public in London in November 2010, raising $1 billion. Tiger owned 10.8 million shares before the sale and unloaded about half of them in the IPO.

Like Robertson, Coleman is skilled at finding both good stocks to buy and dogs to bet against, according to investors. In 2011, Coleman made much of his profit shorting stocks that fell, investors say.

Coleman’s fund is one of three Tiger cubs that made the top 25 in the Bloomberg Markets ranking. Philippe Laffont’s New York-based Coatue Management LLC ranked No. 10, with a return of 16.9 percent. Laffont, who worked for Robertson at Tiger before starting Coatue in 1999, also invests in technology. Apple Inc., Google Inc. and mobile-phone-chip maker Qualcomm Inc. were among his largest holdings as of Sept. 30.

Short China

New York-based Tiger Asia Management LLC, managed by Bill Hwang, ranked No. 24, with a return of 8.6 percent. Hwang, like Coleman, worked for Robertson and then got seed money from him. In 2011, Hwang bet on a decline in Chinese shares, according to people familiar with his portfolio. It was a good call. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index (SHCOMP) was down 12 percent in the first 10 months of 2011, after a loss of 14 percent in 2010.

The Tiger diaspora is large and growing. John Thaler, founder of JAT Capital Management LP, worked with Tiger Management alumnus Chris Shumway for five years, learning Robertson’s methods secondhand. JAT Capital Offshore Ltd. was No. 3 on the Bloomberg Markets list at the end of September, with a 30-plus percent return, when a rally in U.S. stocks lifted shares that Thaler had expected to fall, a person familiar with the fund says.

JAT ended up with a 12.7 percent gain and a No. 19 ranking.

Tiger Makeover
Coleman & Co. are restoring the luster to the Tiger name. Robertson’s funds notched average annual returns of 32 percent from 1980 to Aug. 31, 1998. They were then tarnished when he made a series of bad currency bets. He lost $600 million when Russia defaulted on its debt and devalued the ruble. Tiger Management funds overall hemorrhaged about $2 billion on Oct. 7, 1998, when the dollar suffered its biggest one-day loss against the yen since 1973.

Unsentimental Tiger investors asked for their money back and, coupled with losses, cut Robertson’s assets under management to $6 billion from $22 billion in just 18 months.

Robertson returned all investor money in 2000 and went south to build and operate golf courses in New Zealand, where he spends six months of every year.

Robertson, a canny stock picker, was more aggressive than most in shorting stocks he thought were doomed to fall, former investors say. In a short sale, a trader borrows shares and sells them, hoping to buy them back at a lower price, return the shares to the lender and pocket the difference.

Robertson’s Guts
“Julian always doubled up,” says Mark Yusko, CEO of Morgan Creek Capital Management LLC in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, which invested in Tiger Management and is an investor in Tiger Global. “When a short was going down, he pressed it, and when a long was going up, he pressed it.”

Coleman is pressing his bet on private technology companies. Last year, he asked investors for permission to lift them to 15 percent of the fund from 10 percent, one investor says.

Yuri Milner, the Russian entrepreneur who started Mail.ru and bought a $200 million stake in Facebook in May 2009, just before Tiger Global, says Coleman is “a visionary guy. I have learned a lot from Tiger.”

One lesson: Go global. Many of Tiger’s private investments are in Brazil, China and India, and many of those are similar to what has worked in the U.S.: social-networking, shopping and Groupon Inc.-like deal sites. As of mid-December, Tiger Global owned stakes in Peixe Urbano, a Brazilian deal site similar to Groupon; MakeMyTrip Ltd., an Indian online travel site; and Vostu, a Brazilian video-game portal.

Coleman has taken his biggest hits in the broader market. His worst years were 2008, when he lost 26 percent, and 2009.

“Chase got whacked in the head with a two-by-four in 2009,” Yusko says.

Coleman was short financial stocks and mortgage companies because his research told him they were money losers, Yusko says. Then the government banned short selling in many stocks and bailed out the banks. Tiger Global ended the year up just 1 percent.

That same year, by contrast, David Tepper’s Appaloosa Investment LP I gained 117 percent through September buying bank stocks and bonds and was No. 1 in the Bloomberg Markets large- fund ranking.

‘Chase is Done’
“There were folks in 2009 who said Chase is done, he’s gotten too big and he’s lost his nerve,” Yusko says.

Yusko visited Coleman in Tiger Global’s offices, and Coleman told him he had decided to refocus his investing where he had an edge: in technology. He would lighten up on finance, an industry susceptible to government meddling.

“I admire him for that decision,” Yusko says.

Coleman supports Republican political candidates who take a dim view of regulation. He gave $30,800 to the National Republican Senatorial Committee on May 24, according to the Washington-based Center for Responsive Politics. He also gave at least $5,000 to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Coleman’s roots are more Nelson Rockefeller than Sarah Palin. His paternal grandmother, born Louise Stuyvesant Wainwright and known as Mimi, was a trustee of Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, where she helped establish a law school, according to her 1996 New York Times obituary. She was also chairwoman of Planned Parenthood of New York City.

Coleman’s father, Charles Payson Coleman Jr., is a partner at corporate law firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP (1146L) in New York, where his main clients are airlines. Chase’s mother, Kim, owns an interior design firm.

‘Born Rich’
In 2005, Coleman married Stephanie Ercklentz, one of 10 scions featured in the 2003 documentary “Born Rich,” made by Johnson & Johnson heir Jamie Johnson. He interviewed his friends for the film. Stephanie’s grandfather, Enno Ercklentz, was a German banker who became a chemical magnate after moving to the U.S. in 1926, according to his 1987 New York Times obituary.

In the film, Stephanie said she had never dated outside her plutocratic social circle.

“I would, but he’d have to understand the fact that I love going shopping,” she says on camera. “Some guy might get mad at me for being stupid and spending all this money for, like, a Gucci purse.”

The couple was married in the Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea in Palm Beach, Florida. Photos from the ceremony and reception were splashed on the New York Social Diary, a website that chronicles the doings of the 1 percent.

Hearst House
In 2008, the Colemans paid $36.5 million for two apartments in a building on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. The seller was Veronica Hearst, widow of Randolph Hearst, son of newspaper titan William Randolph Hearst, property records show.

Coleman started working at Tiger after graduating from Williams. When Robertson closed his funds, Coleman was among the first managers whom Robertson seeded with cash, along with Tiger Asia and Tiger Consumer, a person familiar with the matter says.

Coleman called his fund company Tiger Technology Management. He changed the name to Tiger Global in 2005 before making his ill-fated plays on non-technology companies.

Tech entrepreneurs praise Coleman for his willingness to make quick decisions about large investments. Ilja Laurs, founder of San Mateo, California-based GetJar Inc., a site that distributes applications for mobile phones, says Tiger studied his company for less than a month before putting up most of a $25 million funding round in February.

“That was a total surprise because I didn’t think any investor was capable of moving that fast,” Laurs says.

Investing with Accel
Tiger Global was confident in GetJar partly because Accel Partners, an early investor in Facebook, had already bought in, Laurs says. Tiger has followed or invested alongside Accel in at least six companies.

Kevin Hartz, co-founder of Eventbrite Inc., a San Francisco startup that lets promoters of concerts and other events publicize shows, register attendees and sell tickets online, says Coleman and his crew are no less skilled at finding promising startups than the venture capitalists on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, California. Tiger Global in May stumped up the biggest portion of a $50 million investment in Eventbrite.

“During the great downturn and dot-com crash, they were aggressively following a thesis that the consumer Internet was going to grow and that an enormous part of that would happen outside the U.S.,” Hartz says. “They were absolutely right.”

Risky Startups
Investing in startups is risky because many have untested business models and well-funded rivals, says Peter Sims, a former venture capitalist and author of “Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge From Small Discoveries” (Free Press, 2011).

“Tiger is aggressive,” Sims says. “This is a cyclical market, and they could get burned easily.”

New York-listed Yandex traded at $18.73 on Jan. 9, down from its May IPO price of $25.

Mail.ru fell 14 percent in the first 11 months of 2011, dropping in November after a ban on divesting the shares expired, freeing Tiger and other pre-IPO investors to sell.

Tiger Global is also the biggest holder of Beijing-based E- Commerce China Dangdang Inc., China’s largest online bookseller, with 4.4 million shares as of Sept. 30, according to SEC filings. Shares of New York-listed Dangdang traded at $4.97 on Jan. 9, down 70 percent from the $16 at which it first sold shares in December 2010. In August, the company said it lost 6 cents a share in the second quarter of 2011, triple the 2 cent loss forecast by analysts.

New Network
Declines aside, Coleman is a force in the VC community, says Brian Sharples, CEO of HomeAway Inc., which owns VRBO.com and other sites that list vacation homes for rent. Tiger invested $50 million in HomeAway (AWAY) before its June IPO and then bought shares afterward, Sharples says.

Coleman’s investment gave Sharples the opportunity to attend the annual Tiger Global Internet Conference, where the hedge fund’s corporate flock gathers once a year. The 2011 conference was at the Mandarin Oriental hotel in New York in October.

“I’ll bet more than 50 percent of the people there were from out of the country,” Sharples says. “Tiger Global’s network is so powerful now that just being able to go to that thing is a cool advantage of being part of their portfolio.”

A member of the old boys network by birth, Chase Coleman has forged a new one from the band of Internet startups that have earned millions for his investors.

To contact the reporters on this story: Anthony Effinger in Portland, Oregon, at aeffinger@bloomberg.net. Katherine Burton in New York at kburton@bloomberg.net; Ari Levy in San Francisco at alevy5@bloomberg.net.

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Serrill at mserrill@bloomberg.net.
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